Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Utilize Text Analytics to calculate student sentiments

Technology is evolving every day and people are wondering about the next “big thing”. Business Intelligence is one of those areas which has been under constant evolution and machine learning algorithms is being closely worked upon in BI segment to move from analytical applications to intelligent solutions.

Recent preview release of Microsoft Cognitive Services and exiting Azure Machine learning platform has improved the accessibility of building such capabilities into the application.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is especially good candidates for using such services so as to improve the way customer’s run their businesses.

Read this great blog about Microsoft Cognitive Services. It basically provides a collection of intelligent APIs that allow solutions to see, hear, speak, understand and interpret our needs using natural methods of communication. One such API  is Text Analytics.

We decided to test and put this to a real world use case for one of our customers in education space.
Our customer is an education institute with thousands of students and use SolzRBM a Dynamics CRM based solution as to manage their core business and students.

One of the most common way of communication between people are emails and day to day email can best reflect the sentiment of the person. Hence we selected email as our main source of data for this analysis. Although the solution is generic and can be extended to include other communications such as text messages, tweets etc.
  • So, whenever a student sends an email that email flows in Dynamics CRM as an email activity.
  •  As soon as an email arrives in CRM, the text of email is read and sent to text analytics sentiment API in Azure.
  • This API then returns a sentiment score based on the email content analysis. Scores are between 0 and 1 (0 representing a bad score and towards 1 is a happy score).
  •  An average sentiment index is generated for the student (contact) based on individual email scores. If the overall average is
  • less than 0.3 then contact is un-happy
  • between 0.3 to 0.75 then average
  • above 0.75 then happy
See the gauge dial chart at the student level indicating sentiment index.

This can help and give indications on which students are unhappy and institute can intervene to address the issues. This may not be 100 % accurate but can give great indication. You can even find overall organization level sentiment index with this.

Will keep posted on how the results are and how is the organization getting impacted with this.

Till then happy CRMing…

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